Stress Busters: Unconventional Ways to De-Stress

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Stress, that unwelcome companion, is part and parcel of life. Yet, when it overstays its welcome, taking charge becomes crucial to prevent potential harm to your well-being.

The Risks of Chronic Stress:

  • Potential damage to key brain areas, increasing the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.
  • Heightened vulnerability to depression and other psychiatric ailments.
  • Association with an increased risk of heart attacks, diabetes, and strokes.
  • Impairment of self-control, even under moderate stress.
  • A notable correlation with a surge in monthly headaches.

Five Attainable Stress Busters

1. Chew Your Stress Away

Chewing gum – more than just a breath freshener – may become your stress-fighting sidekick. Studies hint that regular gum-chewing might help dial down stress levels. But how? It’s not just about the jaw workout; here’s why:

Boosts Cognitive Function: Chewing is linked to improved concentration and memory.

Mastering the Art of Distraction: A repetitive, mindful movement acts as a grounding technique.

Note: Chewing isn’t a chronic stress antidote, so chew wisely!

2. Shake Off Stress: The Power of Dance

Dancing is more than just a good time; it’s a soul-soothing, stress-tackling activity. Whether you’re on a dance floor or having a kitchen dance party, you’re not just moving – you’re releasing endorphins and combating stress. Here’s how:

Social Interaction: Beyond the beats, dancing offers social engagement, reducing stress.

Self-Expression: Dancing is a creative outlet boosting self-esteem and confidence.

Distraction Magic: Dancing is a brief – but effective – escape from stress and anxiety.

Dance your stress away – no prodigy skills required!

3. Chill Out with a Furry Friend

Pet therapy is real, folks! Cuddling a pup or your own furry friend can be a game-changer for stress reduction. Here’s why:

Companionship: Pets help boost oxytocin levels, kicking loneliness to the curb.

The Touch: A stress-busting hug provides grounding comfort.

Physical Activity: Pets, your fitness buddies, encourage movement and reduce stress.

Pets are stress-busting superheroes, but remember, they come with responsibilities.

4. Step Outside

Venture outside for more than just a stroll – marvel at nature’s beauty, indulge in forest walks, or embrace grounding exercises like walking barefoot. Professor Dacher Keltner champions ‘Awe’; that intense wonder and amazement triggered by the extraordinary. Here’s how it helps:

Expands Perspective: Stepping out puts problems into perspective, broadening your outlook.

Encourages Gratitude: Venturing outdoors fosters appreciation, reducing worries and stress levels.

Step outside, embrace the extraordinary in the ordinary, and see stress melt away.

5. Sip on Some Vitamin C Goodness

Vitamin C – not just for scurvy prevention but also a stress superhero. Here’s why:

Cortisol Calmer: Vitamin C helps dial down the stress hormone, cortisol.

Antioxidant Magic: It also assists in fighting stress and inflammation, keeping your body in superhero shape.

One glass won’t solve everything, but it sure plays a part in your stress-reduction saga!

Seeking Professional Help

If your stress-busting strategies fall short, consider seeking professional help. SADAG (South African Depression and Anxiety Group) stands at the forefront of mental health advocacy in South Africa, providing assistance and support to those navigating mental health challenges. Reaching out might just be your next step towards a stress-free life. Take this FREE stress level test to see how stressed out you are. 
